
Command-Line Argument Mapper

Generate command line parsers for Scala case classes


def foo(param1: String = "foo", param2: Int) =

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =

Maven Coordinates

Scala 3, JVM and Native


Code Structure

flowchart LR
  clam .-> |export| clam.derivation;
  clam .-> |export| clam.dispatch;
  clam.derivation --> clam.dispatch
  clam.dispatch --> clam.getopt
  clam.dispatch --> clam.completion;
  clam.derivation --> clam.readers
  clam.readers --> clam.core

How It Works


  • CLI parameter: a parameter whose arguments are given on the command line.

    E.g in ls -A foo/ the parameters are -A and the path to list, given as argument foo/ in this case.

    A CLI parameter can be of two kinds:

    1. named
    2. positional

    A named parameter must start with - (or --), and can appear anywhere on the command line. If a named parameter takes an argument, it must be given to it must appear directly after it or be embedded in the parameter with an =. E.g. --foo bar or --foo=bar.

    Note: in other libraries named parameters are sometimes referred to as flags or options. We do not use this vocabulary since it implies that named parameters are always optional.

    A positional parameter is defined by its position. Arguments are assigned in the order in which they are encountered.

  • Scala parameter: a parameter declared in a class or method.

Clam generates parsers that map CLI parameters to Scala parameters.

  • Scala parameters with a default value are mapped to optional named parameters.
  • Scala parameters without a default values are mapped to positional parameters.

Special cases:

  • Boolean parameters with default value are mapped to so-called “flags”. A flag is named parameter which does not take an argument. Its presence determines if the parameter should be set.

  • Parameters of type _ <: Iterable[_] are mapped to repeated CLI parameters.

    • In case the parameter has a default value, it becomes a repeated named parameter: all occurrences are concatenated.

      case class RepeatedDefault(name: Seq[String] = Seq())
      --name a --name b --name c
    • In case the parameter does not have a default value, it becomes a repeated positional parameter. Such a parameter will consume all remaining positional arguments.